26 February 2007

Leisurely Journey to Donghe ~Day 2nd~an encouter with bamboo rafting 22ap2k6

Day 2: Bamboo Rafting in the Donghe (Which is the river name) 22ap2k6

Weather: The sunny sky shines with a sparkling smile

Perhaps overpowered by outside cultures for a long time, aboriginal people somehow once changed their believe in their culture into the mainstream. After a period of revival of old customs and habits, they were proud of their unique culture which they tried to preserve.

(photo: Rafts on the bank of “Chinshei”~a platform accessible to water in English 22ap2k6)

Situated in Donghe village, a reddish brown tarred road like a red carpet rolled up for movie stars welcomes visitors from home and abroad. We head north along the road close to the headwaters of Donghe where it’s also near the edge of east coast cliff valley overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Down the road the director of village and young people told us stories and leadings about impressive sights. While stepping across the bridge, bamboo rafts and parasols were already set for today’s adventure. The tour was applied from east coast national scenic area administration office. At early times Amis people took turns to be volunteers to show visitors around. They could experience tribe’s culture and history. But these tours without a permit were illegal. The sightseeing tours came to an end. Without a doubt a lack of chance to explore the beauty of aboriginal legacy is really a pity.

(photo: Improved rafts 22ap2k6)

In order to make rafts suitable to visitors' needs for comfort and use, the director mentioned above asked advice from tribe seniors, a few times improved designs that were attached onto rafts, and tested how rafts floated.

All effort gave birth to the present model. Without modern outboard engines as driving power, only by hand aboriginal ancestors’ paddled rafts made of sting bamboo and other natural materials to struggle for fish catches in the ocean.

As a tradition of Amis, young people at the age capable to catch fish would begin making small rafts in the guidance of their fathers. These stories were passed down among aboriginal people for generations. In the nights without moonlight or starlight, on their first trip to the sea young people had the mix of excited and worried feelings steering rafts towards the sea separately from their fathers who in the meantime cared for their sons' safety and catches.

(photo:Kalarecengan~the opposite of “Chinshei” 22ap2k6)

Each raft holds two people without problems. Before departure all of us were given lifejackets. The thoughtful “Pakenan” home stay host entered the river to take care of children who were playing in the water till somebody was replaced for help while other people were having fun for the bamboo rafting ride.

(photo: Test floating effect of rafts 22ap2k6)

(photo: Rafts back to the shore 22ap2k6)

(photo: The ending 22ap2k6)

(photo: The sunset in the background of the old bridge over the river 3-22ap2k6)

After the venture was over in the sunset we interviewed the director about the ups and downs throughout the period of making: rafts and expectations from his father and people.

Amis people migrated a long distance and finally settled down here beside Donghe which sounded like “Arongarong” in Amis language and was named for this place. Looking down from above black currents run deep in the river, which provides water resource and food such as bountiful tiny fishes. For fear of making the place known they once told other oncoming tribes to bypass by saying there was a monster into the river.

12 February 2007

Cepo' Dream Farms

"Because innocent dream, the mankind manufactured aircraft, flying in the interstellar in the high in the clouds".

Young hour and intimate friend's predestination miscellaneous talk, perhaps is to wish power after few years, the God earnest consideration after, allowed a crumb of "Huei-Lan " mud, start conducting a story ...... , Indicated that could not accept a signal can't ascend to spread data or complement energy when article took a rest in. . .

Cepo': Amis language, pay to go out to sea in Shiou-Gu Luan River, Dream farms: wish can reach as Dream works-Steven Spielberg, interprets dream an agriculture shop, thought for a long time of, bless everyone circle to own dream of true, also hope that having interest has time of decree by destiny a person together and Cepo’ Dream farms interpret dream-have the building of Amis appearance, geography environmental protection, nature lasting........
