23 April 2007

Leisurely journey-Dunghe day 2 mini-sized harvest festival 22ap2k6

Those who accumulate merits feel grateful to have chances to do virtuous deeds, which is the most precious thing.

Weather: a starry sky without artificial lights.

I have never spent longer time to participate in a harvest festival

When it comes to aboriginal harvest festival, all I can think of is images in a flash and short memory from television reports and news, magazine articles, and documentary film…

Inside bottom of bamboo utensil

( inside of woven bamboo utensil 22ap2k6)

(outside bottom of bamboo utensil 22ap2k6)

When the day was getting dark, inside a glass cabinet next to the door was a delicate bamboo utensil that was made by a tribal artist.

(profile of bamboo utensil 22ap2k6)

When the night fell, the chorus of frogs came from the pond behind me.

Amis dinner included pork and unknown wild delicacies.

Nearby there were pig’s internal organs being roasted above the fire.

Almost in a second, aboriginal people got dressed with their traditional costumes. They introduced harvest festival and showed visitors how to wear and immerse in the ambience of harvest festival songs and dance.

It was a pity that I did not take part in the dance this time. After I finally grabbed several chances to join harvest festival dance at other tribal villages, I was moved by this close spiritual connection with other people when we were performing ritual steps hand in hand to go around a circle one after another and singing to the rhythm of the dance.

I realized when you had been through the whole ritual; you would be attracted to it.

(dance in small-sized harvest festival and friends from Germany 22ap2k6)

(dance for small-sized festival 1-22ap2k6)

Cepo' was not sure whether the black dog was Kuro or not?

(ps: Kuro , a black dog was kept by director of East coast national scenic area administration.)

(dance for harvest festival 2-22ap2k6)

(dance for harvest festival 22ap2k6)

At the ending of ritual dance, probably out of a flash of feelings, tribal elders especially old women began singing old songs that were seldom heard one after another, which seemed to call back tribal cultural inheritance.


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